Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chris, You are the Guru of Audition Wear!

Today Christopher Verdosci, San Francisco Opera's Assistant Costume Director, came to SFCM for his, what I hope will continue to be yearly, masterclass on audition wear for opera. I learned so much from him last year and was so excited to be able to talk fashion during VPL. It was a nice escape from the usual listening to people sing and me sitting there analyzing the appropriateness of their outfits. I wanted to get up there and answer questions with him, but I had to refrain! I knew every designer and era reference he made and wished I could have talked to him for hours! Luckily, my great friend Siobhan interns with him, so he invited me to come visit and help out at the costume shop! YES YES YES!

I just wanted to highlight some of his most important points:

a) Wear Stockings! Do not audition without those gams covered, lovely ladies.
b) Everyone must wear appropriate undergarments. Even as a thin girl, it's important wear foundation garments to create a sleek, panty line-less silhouette.
c) Toned down Jewel Tones are perfect for all! They are great hues on women and add color without distracting from your voice. No purple in Italy and no yellow EVER!
d) Always wear closed toe shoes to an audition! Peep toes are okay, as long as you are not a toe tapper!
e) Hemlines must be at or below the knee. You don't want those patrons in the front row to see your cute Victoria's Secret lace panties, or (hopefully) the foundation piece you are wearing.
f) No strapless dresses or spaghetti straps! You don't want to look half naked on stage.
g) Get second opinions on your outfit, from the front AND the back. You don't want to leave the stage with your dress tag flapping.

Most important: If you look good, you'll feel good! Wear what makes you feel beautiful, appropriate, and professional! There is a perfect dress for ALL body types!

1 comment:

  1. Chris is a great guy and wonderful designer. Glad he was able help you out on dress choice. He has dreamy Italian eyes!
